Senior Services Plus Israel (SSPI) is a geriatric care-management facilitator, for English speakers from around the world who have senior relatives living in Israel.

The responsibilities of caring for aging relatives can be difficult and frustrating, particularly for children and family living hundreds -or thousands- of miles away.

SSPI coordinates comprehensive concierge services for senior Anglos in Israel. We facilitate services through a broad network of independent service providers. We arrange and oversee the following: 

  • Home support (errands, bill-paying, etc.)
  • Property management (renovating, repairs,, cleaning, maintenance, oversight, etc.) 
  • Transitional guidance to new living environments
  • Medical (arrangement and escort for medical appointments)
  • Geriatric social work and consultant assessments
  • For more services, see our what we do page.

SSPI introduces its clients to service providers appropriate to each family’s needs and financial circumstances.

SSPI provides clients with security and solutions so that you can enjoy peace of mind.

Senior Services Plus Israel is here when you can't be.

 "Care for the elderly has  been the hallmark of Jewish civilization

throughout history…"

Rabbi Berel Wein